Yet each weapon carries its own nuances in reality, and it transitions surprisingly well to Ubisoft’s Ghost Recon series.
The inclusion of various skills of your operator somehow affecting bullet trajectories is a sore spot for many military simulation fans, that may bring many designated marksmen to back out from the title in horror.
The rifles all fire believably well with recoil and maximum effective range, although the lack of range-specific zeroing on scopes removes the ability to ‘Kentucky-windage’ for dynamic engagements on the fly across a modicum of ranges. The gear and kit that you equip operators with have been yoinked straight from forward-deployed units, allowing veterans and active-duty members alike of militaries around the world to flawlessly remake their kits from deployments past, from the SAPI carrier to the various modifications on your rifle. Regardless of your overall feelings towards Ubisoft, their Tom Clancy franchise, or the Ghost Recon Breakpoint title that suffered a few blows when it finally released, there are a few things that it gets so right it’s almost astonishing.